Boys Cry Too - By The Dennis Family

Currently, our family doesn’t use Mental and Behavioral Health resources, but as time moves on, I know I will need to have a discussion with my son about the absence of his father. This truth won’t be easy to talk about and I might need help giving him the space to process it all. It is important to me to raise my son to be okay with having feelings and with crying to process. I know I won’t always be the person who he can do that with, which means I might need help finding support for him. Knowing where to look for that help won’t be easy. What I see in our Region for these resources changes all the time; I am hearing that they are becoming less and less, not growing. Mental and Behavioral Health resources aren’t growing with the need, they are doing the opposite.

With the current foster system requirements, my family couldn’t check all the boxes because we didn’t have access to what we needed. This caused some of the worst emotional experiences we have ever had. There didn’t seem to be a right answer. Our Region needs support for making these transitions easier on children and families, especially if we aren’t fixing the other systems that are so broken.

A picture of the Dennis family: an adult holding an infant and a small child next to them. A quote from the story and a picture of the Illinois map are also pictured.

Maybe We Will Try Again - By Anonymous


It Takes a Village - By Elizabeth & Family