Free Developmental Check-ups for Kids in Champaign County

Original coverage by Sophia Espinosa on

"Ready, Set, Connect!" is bringing free developmental check-ups throughout Champaign County for children ages birth to five during the month of April. 

The Champaign County Home Visiting Consortium announced the series of free developmental check-ups during the Month of the Young Child. At “Ready, Set, Connect!” events, trained developmental screeners will look at a child’s development in communication, fine motor, gross motor, personal-social, and problem-solving skills. If there are concerns identified, the child can be connected to Early Intervention services for specialized developmental support to meet their needs, as well as learn about other birth to five community resources.

The program not only focuses on a child's development but also on parent's mental health. "There's a bit of education that helps you feel more comfortable being a parent," Rachel Mckinney, a home visitor tells WAND News. "There's some social aspects that really make you feel less isolated. We have groups and events that happen and we invite all of our families to those so they are meeting other families in that same stage of life and looking for those resources together." Mckinney explains.

“Birth to five are critical years, and parents need support. Finding delays early and getting connected to services gives families the tools and support they need to help their child thrive,” said Kelly Russell, Champaign County Home Visitor member. One parent, Shaersti Anderson, says it's given her family support. "For a home visitor to come in and have that human interaction because we are so lonely," she says, "just to look back on that and have that person there, I am very grateful for her." Anderson tells WAND News. 

The series of nine “Ready, Set, Connect!” screenings kick off on April 4th at Soccer Planet in Urbana, which will also feature free soccer playtime, Kona Ice truck, and other community resources geared toward families who have children ages birth to five. Here's a look at all the events - Download PDF

To find the screening event right for you, visit and sign up today! “Ready, Set, Connect!” is made possible through Birth to Five Illinois Implementation Grant Funding and in collaboration with the United Way of Champaign County.


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