Why is Postpartum a Secret? - By Alissa & Family

Postpartum has been the biggest Mental and Behavioral Health battle my family and I have had to conquer. I had heard what it was but had no idea the intensity it could cause. During each of my first two pregnancies, my mom had mentioned I wasn’t acting “normal,” but I was just going through the stages and trying to be the best mom I could be. By my third pregnancy, I was more aware these changes weren’t okay. I shared these struggles and changes with my doctor, but the response I received was not what I expected. I wasn’t provided with coping mechanisms to help, but I was given medication. I don’t understand why postpartum isn’t discussed during prenatal appointments, why it isn’t shared that this is something very real that can happen to anyone. Had I known the signs and symptoms of postpartum before giving birth maybe I could have battled it easier, each time.

The services my family needs most may be counseling services as the boys get older. I would like to be sure they are prepared for the world around them. Addiction is something that we see, and something I would like my boys to avoid at all costs.

A photo of Alissa, an adult, holding and kissing her infant baby. A quote from the story and the Illinois map are pictured.

Still Waiting – By Can’t Wait 


Surviving Domestic Violence - By Anonymous